Monday, March 15, 2010

a matter of perspective

I was awoken last night by a phone call. But before I expound on that event, let me vent a little.

I am tired of being judged.

I am tired of people who think they know more than I do simply because they have a Sunday School education in the Bible. I've got a freaking Masters degree in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Ministry and can read from both the Greek and the Hebrew. Doesn't mean I'm right. Just sayin'.

I'm tired of people judging the motives behind my actions. You don't know what I'm thinking, you don't know what I'm feeling. No one besides me knows what's going on in this head of mine (and sometimes I'm not sure)...but don't judge me as if you know my motives.

I'm tired of people not acting like grownups. "Have a freakin' clue that the world doesn't revolve around you!" That's what I want to say. "Get over things already, move on already." That's what I want to say. Just sayin'.

I'm tired of double standards...whether in the church or in relationships. You want me to treat you that way? Then treat me that way. That's how it should go. You want me to listen, respect, forgive, whatever? Then do the same or don't take up my space. Just sayin'.

I'm tired of really bad bands at the bars. Someone who loves them by being honest. Leave the singing to those of us who can actually...I don't know...sing!

So I was awoken last night by a phone call. A good friend of mine, her dad passed away. I went out to the home to be with the family. It was obvious how much love was shared among that family. And while I still tire of all those other things... they don't ultimately matter that much when compared to real issues of life or death. In fact, calls like the one i took ought to help us all re-prioritize what is really important. For I can't think of anything more important than this simple truth. Love God. Love others.

1 comment:

  1. so this is so true and really made me start thinkin..and it is so easy to judge but you are right its not our place...i wish forgivness was as easy as typing the word...
