Monday, October 26, 2009

Been a while - so basic random and non-random thoughts

For a lot of reasons I have not blogged for a while. get some things off my chest:

* Gotta love the DUCKS!
* OK - got that out of the way. Now on to other things...

* Now...while I love the Ducks...can't say that I always feel that way about God's creation - human beings. Especially those who claim to follow the way of Jesus. Many times in Jesus' life he had opportunities to judge people...yet he never did. Instead he said "I have not come to judge...but to save." AND YET people who claim to follow the way of Jesus have mastered the art of judging others.

* Jesus always thought the best of people and forgave people unconditionally... people who claim to follow the way of Jesus? Uhm...not so much.

* Jesus took the high road against people who attacked him and defamed his character. Followers of Jesus? Not so much...though to be fully honest, I am really trying to hold on and stay on the high road when every part of my natural being wants to rip away.

* What is it about "christians" that allows them to point out others "perceived" sins and yet COMPLETELY ignore their own sins and issues. In fact, Jesus says something along the lines of don't call out the speck in someone else's eye, while completely ignoring the FOREST (log) in your own eye. This would be a really good thing for "christians" to think about.

So - no wonder most of the unchurched world tends to want to avoid churches and Christians like the plague. They find unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace outside of the church while seeing the exact opposite inside the church. It's also no wonder why so many pastors leave the ministry.

So...why do I write this? Because its my blog and its about venting for me so that I don't vent on people. Because I want to try to be like Jesus...not just act like him.