Wednesday, February 17, 2010

simple question on forgiveness

If you are "in Christ," if you are a follower of Jesus - do you still have to ask god for forgiveness?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

true gospel

So...been a long while. As we go through a series of teachings, I am amazed at how much the original gospel of Yashua (Jesus) has been altered, changed, tweaked by the church and various teachers over the years. I have to hope that its simply because of ignorance, but I have sneaky suspicions (based off history and knowing human nature) that a large part of the reason is because of control issues from various elements throughout history.

For is the truth. The Old Covenant is toast. Don't have to follow it. Toss it into the creek, followed closely by those precious 10 commandments. Realize that once you cross the line and begin to follow Jesus - you are a new creation. That means that you are not a sinner anymore. "Yeah - but what about those things I do that are sin...?" not you. not your fault (Romans 7). So...celebrate. Everything is forgiven, has been forgiven, and you don't need to ask God for forgiveness ever again.

Don't believe it? read the bible and discover for yourself what it says.